Aiko Endo, who gained explosive popularity in the model collection, reappears in the series "Tokimeki"! Aiko is late for a date meeting. - The remote rotor she promised to wear on today's date. - Switch on! - Aiko who can't walk when I do it. - Change the place to a home date and switch on! - I'm going to have you take it off while doing it. - He continues to give me a blowjob in stockings while wearing a remote rotor. - It's the first time I've ever served you to lick my toes. - It gets harder and harder with footjob. - When tearing only the buttocks of stockings and stimulating the pussy with cunnilingus, Aiko said, "I'm going!" - It is further stimulated with an electric machine while the remote rotor is in place! - Aiko who bites Acme many times. - The Gonzo angle gives you a sense of realism! Enjoy the time you two have together! More..