Yuko Kihara is 32 years old. - She is a young woman who looks like she is in her early twenties. - Her occupation is a cosmetic surgery assistant. - It is said that she is a cosmetic surgery that TV talents and famous AV actresses also go through. - She says that as an AV lover, she is more happy to see an AV actress than a TV personality. - She loves AV enough to follow her favorite actress's SNS. - When she masturbates, she uses an electric massage machine habitually, and after using it once, it is said that she has become a lewd body that is unsatisfactory with her hands. - She has sex with her boyfriend about three times a week. - She feels comfortable normally, but even that is becoming unsatisfactory. - She seems to be the type who always wants new stimulation. - That is her motivation for acting. - She hit the gate of luxury TV, thinking that the world of porn might have a stimulus that she can't feel in ordinary sex... More..