Alraune, an executive candidate for the evil organization Infernal, divides the Perfect Rangers and attacks Red with his subordinate Rose Beast! - However, he is interrupted by Blue and Yellow, who sensed that his companions are in danger, and loses Rose Beast. - Alraune, who fled back under orders from his direct superior, the Executive Plantoid, was punished by the leader of Infernal, Deathscythe. - Pointed out for his naivety, Alraune, who vowed to use any means to win him, disguises himself as a commoner and traps Yellow with a seductive gimmick, and drives him into continuous ejaculation hell with a handjob and makes him submit! - Due to his experience and determination, Alraune, who has become one step stronger, challenges Blue to a match and wins brilliantly! - And make him surrender with continuous ejaculation! - She has no enemies! - Red is the rest! - Will she be able to destroy the Perfect Ranger? - ! - [Female Executive HAPPY END] More..